Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

Change is the Law of nature. "CHANGE" word should always be welcomed but, if and only if, the change is positive. today's parents are the proud parents of the children whose brains work no less than the accuracy of a computer. Today's Fifteen-year-old child is lucky enough to drive a car of a prestigious brand. Gone are the days when a student had to walk miles and miles to reach his school. No more is the modern woman confined to the four walls of her house. She has stepped out of the threshold of her house to become "Kalpana Chawla" to step on the moon, to become a "Parvati" to crusade against the social evils, and not to forget Booker Prize Winner, "Kiran Desai, Arundhati Roy And so on."

Today our senior citizens have been blessed with a wonderful companion as "TV". All the comforts and luxuries of the modern world are within our approach. No Doubt, materialistically we are better off than our forefathers. But spiritually, socially and morally we are far behind them. They are lucky enough to have an affinity with mother nature and breathe fresh air. Today's man has no time to understand and the patience to know the depth and worth of relationships. No Doubt, today's emancipated woman are playing the role of a social worker, a political leader, a teacher, an engineer, an architect. But she is failing in her role as a house maker and a loving and caring mother. Some of the new generation couples are so career conscious and ambitious that they don't have time to raise the family. Who can deny the fact that we can touch the great heights that our forefathers didn't?

I strongly feel that as far as material welfare and progress are concerned, we are definitely better and happier than our forefathers. But as far as spiritual growth and moral evolution are concerned, we are definitely not happier than them. We as future custodians of these noble values must try to contribute our little might to safeguard the rich heritage and ideals of our elders.
Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers? Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers? Reviewed by Daman Singh on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5


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