Live FOOD : Healthy Green Food

                   "EAT HEALTHY, STAY HEALTHY"

Aging, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, arthritis, cold, cough, constipation, etc are some of the common problems to human beings. Are these naturally occurring problems incurable or can these be cured permanently? What is the actual cause behind these problems? To whom should we blame: nature, society or ourselves?

At any moment in time, you are either towards any of the above-mentioned problems or rejuvenating. There is no standing still. You are either going one way or the other depending on the choices you make, like food choices. Exercises and breathing choices, lifestyle choices, etc.

Actually food choice has a great impact on our body. What you eat, raw food or processed and cooked food? Choosing raw food known as live food can eliminate all your problems and leave you rejuvenating each moment. Cooked or processed food cannot create true health because they are missing some very vital elements needed by the body for its optimal functioning things like enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals, bioelectrical energy, and life force. When foods are heated above 105 degrees F, they begin to lose all of these. But 118 degree F most food is dead. Yes, the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are still there but in a greatly altered state not at all what nature provided.

Cooking food disrupts its molecular structure and kill all enzymes too. Enzymes are the indispensable catalysts which enable the body to utilize vitamins and minerals. Enzymes are extremely heat sensitive and thus, don't survive in cooked food. The vitamins and phytochemicals are also injured, greatly diminished and left in an altered molecular state. the minerals are made less soluble. The fats have turned from life-enhancing fatty acids, which create damaging free radicals in the body. The proteins become denatured; they then coagulate and are very difficult to digest.

When you eat cooked foods, you put a heavy burden on your body, which then has to produce the enzymes missing in the food. One of the reasons you feel lethargic or sleepy after a cooked meal is because the body is diverting its energy to replace the enzymes that were not supplied. By comparison, a raw food meal leaves you feeling light and full of energy. You can judge this for yourself consuming live food just for two days. Uncooked food digests in 3/4th or half the time of cooked foods. Then the stress of creating & replacing enzymes, meal after meal, day after day, year after year, greatly contributes to accelerated aging.

Raw foods especially, green leafy vegetables are full of oxygen and contain an abundance of chlorophyll. The chemical structure of chlorophyll is almost identical to the haemoglobin in our red blood cells. The only difference is that the haemoglobin molecule has iron in its nucleus and the chlorophyll molecule has magnesium. Chlorophyll detoxifies the bloodstream and every other part of the body better than anything else you could eat. When you eat raw green chlorophyll food you oxygenate the blood. The bloodstream, through its capillary system, then delivers this oxygen to every cell in your body.

Sprouted seeds contain vital elements which nourish our glands, nerves, and brain. the hormones needed by the body are created out of the natural fat and other essential principles found in seeds.

When you eat cooked starch, the body absorbs more than it needs. Getting rid of the excess starch then becomes another burden to the body. Those who favor cooked foods, often make the point that since the body cannot absorb starch, this is a sign the food should be cooked. Another way to look at it, however, is that the body absorbs just enough of the raw starch for its needs and then passes out of the rest.

Eating cooked food prevents the immune system from working on what is really important in keeping us superbly healthy and young in body, mind, and soul. Raw and live foods nourish and improve the body's inner environment. Eating healthy means giving your body power foods, it can easily assimilate and use for regeneration and rejuvenation. Life comes from life. So, the more foods you eat which are organic and straight from nature's raw garden, the better you are going to feed.

"We donot degenerate because we grow old.......We grow old because we degenerate!"

Live FOOD : Healthy Green Food Live FOOD : Healthy Green Food Reviewed by Daman Singh on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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